1 2 in decimal form is 0.50.
19 1/2 as a decimal is 19.5.
100% as a decimal is 1.
It is an irrational number which is 9.2 to 1 decimal place
Expressed as a decimal, 1/50 is equal to 0.02.
howmuchdecimal in 1katha
57 dismil in
A decimal is a representation of a number, it does not represent any specific measure. The comparison is not valid.
1 bigha=20 KATHA
18 katha is equivalent to 1 acre.
1 katha is 67 sq meters.
How much Sq.ft of land in 1 katha land in West Bengal
1 katha = approx 267.6 sq metres.
A katha is a measure of area. A decimal is simply a way of representing a number - any number. It has no relation t any measure.
1.65 dismal
In the context of land measurement in Bangladesh, one katha is equivalent to 0.0338 decimal. This conversion is based on the standard unit of land measurement in Bangladesh, where one decimal is equal to 435.6 square feet. Therefore, one katha is approximately 14.4 square feet.
1 kattha =1.65 decimal in jharkhand and 1 decimal = 435.6 square feet. So 1 kattha =718.74 square feet in jharkhand.