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2510 as of 2015

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Q: How old would Pythagoras be today?
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How old is Pythagoras?

Pythagoras is right know 2,589 years old

What did Pythagoras do that you do today?

Mathematics and science.

Who old was Pythagoras when he married?

Pythagoras married at the age of sixty-one years.

How old was Pythagoras when he died?

Pythagoras was believed to die at 99 years old because of all the dates leading up to his death

How is Pythagoras's findings used today?

they use it by eating cake

How old was Pythagoras wen he died?


What was the death and current age if living today of Pythagoras?

He died around 495 BC at the age of 75, which would make him about 2510 in 2015.

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Today he would be 86 years old.

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today aphrodite would be about 800BC

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today he would be 496

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They would be 19 years old today.

When Pythagoras live?

Pythagoras was born in 570 BC and died in 495 BC. He aged to be 75 years old.