AnswerIn part , because his mathematical theories and formulaes are still in use today.
what qualificationa do pythagoras have.
Pythagoras was Greek.
Pythagoras drowned him.
Yes, Pythagoras is a mathematician.
2510 as of 2015
they use it by eating cake
AnswerIn part , because his mathematical theories and formulaes are still in use today.
Definately. there are heaps of uses for it like building fences and so on.
Pythagoras was called "Pythagoras of Samos" because he was born in Samos.
Pythagoras of Samos
Yes, Pythagoras died on None
pythagoras made the famous pythagoras theorem and many more....
it is somebody who is colored and didnt get payed like singers do today actually its Pythagoras
what qualificationa do pythagoras have.