what I would like to know is the importance of statistics in mathematics in relation to aspects like the mode,median & the mean and how one can explain this in a 2000 word essay
The word middle in mathematics means the number that is physically in the middle of the group of numbers. The median is the middle number when the numbers are organized by numerical order.
Mathematics is just another word for Math, like Language Arts is for English, and History is for Social Studies
greeks had found the word mathematics
mediocre, median, mediate, meditate, medium, median, media
another word for median would be middle because median is the middle of a set of numbers.
Mathematics is a noun.
Mathematics is a noun.
Another word for the highway is the interstate, freeway or turnpike.
Yes, the word 'mathematics' is a noun, a common, uncountable, abstract noun; a word for a concept, a word for a thing.
Example sentence - The road has a raised median on it.
'''In my case, median means middle. ''What is the median for the data.'''''