A real number is not a question nor an equation or inequality that can be solved. There may be questions associated with real numbers that may be solved but that is not the same as solving the real number. The question is like asking how someone can solve you!
It is not to solve so much as to see the number of solutions and whether there is a real solution to the equation. b2 - 4(a)(c) A positive answer = two real solutions. A negative answer = no real solution ( complex solution i ) If zero as the answer there is one real solution.
ax2 + bx + c = 0 , find the value of x . b2-4ac>o x is real (2 different values will solve) b2-4ac=o -> a double root (a single real number will solve it) x=real numbers. b2-4ac<0 x= two complex number roots (either pure imaginary or a complex number with real and imaginary components)
The idea is to solve certain problems, many of which appear in real life, and which don't have whole-number solutions.
6.021023 is a single number: not an equation or inequality. You cannot solve a single number!
That depends on what the question is. A percent is just a number. You're asking "How do you solve a number?"
no duffer
x2 = -25 There exists no real number for which this is true, so we must use imaginary numbers... x = 5i
If the discriminant - the part under the radical sign in the quadratic formula - is negative, then the result is complex, it is as simple as that. You can't convert a complex number to a real number. If a particular problem requires only real-number solutions, then - if the formula gives complex numbers - you can state that there is no solution.
You solve the equation.
The square of a real number is always a real number.
You cannot "solve" a single number!
The real number in '101.7' is 101. A real number is a positive whole number.