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39 = 100111

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Q: How would the decimal value 39 be represented in binary coded decimal?
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Applications of bcd to binary code cnvertor?

Many non-integral values, such as decimal 0.2, have an infinite place-value representation in binary (.001100110011...) but have a finite place-value in binary-coded decimal (0.0010)[bcd]. Consequently a system based on binary-coded decimal representations of decimal fractions avoids errors representing and calculating such values. Rounding at a decimal digit boundary is simpler in BCD. Addition and subtraction in decimal does not require rounding.

What is packed decimal in cobol?

In Cobol, they had a serious concern for memory size. So they came up with a method known as BCD (Binary Coded Decimal), where a decimal value was converted to binary to save space. Check this link out. It will break down the details.

What is the decimal value of 181 in binary?

Decimal 181 in binary is 10110101

What is decimal value of binary number 100?

Binary 100 is 4 in decimal.

What is the decimal value of the binary number 1001?

1001 in binary is equal to 9 in decimal.

What are the binary and decimal values of the ASCII letter g?

Binary- 01100111 Decimal Value- 103

Why does a decimal value waste memory space?

Decimal (more formally, binary coded decimal) values store numeric information as digits encoded using the four bit binary equivalents: 0 (0000) to 9 (1001). That means a single byte can hold values between 0 and 99. But simply using the same byte to hold a binary value will yield values between 0 and 255 (or –128 and +127).

What is the binary number of the decimal value 181?

The binary values is 10110101.

Logic circuit that converts four digit Binary Input into Binary Coded Decimal?

Design a logic circuit that converts a four digit binary input to equivalent Binary Coded Decimal value. You need to first create the truth table (please note this circuit should have four input bits, but five output bits; for example, for an input 1001 (decimal 9) the suggested output will be 0 1001 (the BCD value 0 9); and for an input 1010 (decimal 10) the suggested output should be 1 0000 (the BCD value 1 0 )). After creating the truth table design the Boolean expressions for each of the five output bits. Draw the resulting circuit diagram using AND - OR - NOT gates.

What is the decimal value of binary 10011?


What is the value of a binary number of 101?

Binary(101) = Decimal(5).

What is binary value for 192?

The binary equivalent of the decimal number 192 is 11000000.