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Descartes did not discover geometry - he invented analytical geometry, which enabled mathematicians to use algebra to solve problems in geometry and geometry to solve problems in algebra. The world would be less developed than now, as would be the case with most discoveries.

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Q: How would the world be if Rene Descartes never discovered geometry?
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Did Christopher ever realize what he discovered?

No he never knew that he discovered the New World.!

Who was the mathematician who launched modern analytic geometry?

It was René Descartes who is generally thought of as launching modern analytic geometry. He was dubbed the "Father of Modern Philosophy" but was a superb mathematician, a scientist and a writer. Use the link below and at least read the first paragraph to make your introduction to this world class intellectual.

How has Rene Descartes' scientific discoveries change the world today?

René Descartes contributed to varied disciplines including philosophy, mathematics and science. He investigated and did remarkable work in optics, meteorology and geometry in efforts to deconstruct the universe to its mathematical foundations. Of all the discoveries he made, perhaps most important was creating the scientific method and deductive reasoning.

When Christopher Columbus died he .?

Never new he had discovered a new world

What is your reaction on the statement geometry exposes physical world?

Geometry does not expose the physical world, but it does tell us something about how the physical world works. Geometry is relevant to the physical world.

Who discovered geometry and used geometry?

The branch of mathematics we know as geometry was not "discovered" by any one person. Rather, it was developed by different philosophers and mathematicians across many hundreds of years or even thousands of years. We know geometry was studied by the ancient Greeks, and there is evidence that other ancient cultures had investigators who worked with geometric ideas. It is not difficult to look around in the world and see geometric ideas. They can be found in natural things, like the shapes and arrangements of flower petals, to cite one example. The builders of many structures in the ancient world obviously mastered geometry and the physics (mechanical engineering) of structures. Today we can find no architects that lack an appreciation of geometric ideas; there is a geometry apparent in things we build, both large and small. And the ideas of geometry are an essential part of study for matriculating teenagers because of the wide applications in which geometry plays a part.

What is the aim or purpose of Descartes Meditations?

Descartes hopes to find out what he can know for certain, without any doubt, about the world and nature.

How is geometry connected to the 7 wonders of the world?

its like saying why isnt there peanut butter on a peanut butter and jelly samich.....the world may never know

What was the impact of Rene Descartes' discoveries and philosophies?

Descartes' work has had a huge impact on the world. His mathematical theories have advanced the study and understanding of geometry greatly, allowing us to solve more complex problems. Additionally, his work as a philosopher provoked important questions about the universe and about humanity that have influenced modern philosophical thought so much that he is sometimes referred to as the father of modern philosophy.

How does geomerty effect us today?

If you mean the simple concept of a shape, then everything in the world has a geometry, and if it didn't, it'd be an awefully wacky world... but I digress. The science of geometry has shaped the world mainly in respect to technology and engineering that would never have been possible without the complex mathematics of shape.

What did Amerigo Vespucci found?

that the new world was in fact a never been discovered place

Christopher Columbus never discovered what in the new world?

A route to Asia, which was the purpose of his exploration.