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The carbon atom, which has six protons and six neutrons, is arbitraily declared to have an atomic weight of 12.

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Q: Identify the unit that is used for atomic masses?
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Atomic mass used in a sentence?

The atomic mass of an element is the weighted average of the masses of all the stable isotopes of the element (if it has any), weighted by the natural occurrence levels of the isotopes in the elements as found on earth or in the atmosphere.

What does 12 b m s mean?

It means 12 Bohr Magnetons, a unit for dipole moment used in atomic chemistry.

What is the atomic mass?

See the Web Links for " Atomic mass" to the bottom for the answer. Atomic mass refers to the weight of an atom when compared to aribitary figure that is relative to other atoms.The unit used is 1/12 the weight of a carbon atom (the most prolific around). Atomic mass is used to avoid using very small numbers that would otherwise result if you try to physically weigh an atom.Note that atomic mass is not the same thing as atomic weight. See the Related Question to the left for more information.

What unit are nucleus measured in?

Atomic mass unit; protons and neutrons both weigh about 1 amu1 amu equals approximately [1 gram / (6.023 * 1023)] = 1.66 * 10-24 gramsThe angstrom (symbol Å) is often used to measure distances at the atomic scale.1 angstrom = 10-10 meter, or 0.1 nanometer

Why is an elements atomic mass not listed as a whole number on the table?

There are two main reasons. The first is that the masses of protons and neutrons are not 1 unit but slightly greater. The mass of an atom is the mass of a whole number of protons, a whole number of neutrons as well as the same number of electrons as protons. Overall, therefore, the mass should be greater than the number of protons and neutrons (electrons have very little mass). But some of the mass is converted to energy which is used to hold the positively charged nucleus together. As a result the mass of carbon12 is an exact whole number and that is the only element for which that is true.The second, and possibly more relevant reason is that most atoms are found in the form of isotopes which have different numbers of neutrons and so different masses. The atomic mass listed for an element is an average of the masses of all these isotopes, weighted together according to their abundance of earth.

Related questions

Si units used for the masses of atomic particles?

The Si unit used for the masses of particles is the atomic mass unit (amu).

Relative atomic masses are measured in?

Atomic mass is measured in a unit called an "atomic mass unit". This unit is defined as 1/12 of the mass of a carbon-12 atom at ground state.An atomic mass unit is approximately 1.66053886 x 10-27 kg.Atomic mass is measured in atomic mass units (amu) and Daltons.

Define atomic mass unit?

An atomic mass unit, also known as AMU, is the unit used to measure the weight of protons and neutrons. If an element has an atomic mass of 84 AMU, that element has a total of 84 protons and neutrons in its nucleus.

Why interval notation cannot be used to represent the set of atomic masses given?

Why interval, notation cannot be used to represent instead of atomic masses

Atomic mass unit is equal to what?

Unified atomic mass unit, a small unit of mass used to express atomic and molecular masses. The atomic mass unit is equal to one-twelfth the mass of a carbon-12 atom or 1,660538921(73)×10−27 kg.

Explain Why is atomic mass unit used to express atomic mass?

Originally these relative masses were based on hydrogen, known to be the lightest element, having a mass of 1 u, and all the MORE

What is the definition of units of mass?

An Atomic Mass unit is a unit that's used to measure the masses of atoms and molecules. Today, we use the unified atomic mass unit (u) which is 1/12 the mass of a carbon-12 nucleate that is unbound, at rest, and in it's ground state.

Mass is measured by this unit?

The SI unit for mass is the kilogram.Other units include pounds, tonnes, metric tonnes, atomic mass units, eV/c2, Earth masses, Solar masses. The latter two are often used for comparisons in astronomy.

What is the difference between atomic mass and atomic mass unit?

The atomic mass unit is used to express the measure of the atomic mass.

What is the device used to determine atomic masses?


State the name and the mass of the isotope relative to which all atomic masses are measured?

Carbon-12 is used as the standard by which the atomic masses of other nuclides are measured.

What nuclide is used as the standard in the relative scale for atomic masses and What is it's assigned atomic mass?

Carbon 12