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Q: If a regular heptagon has a side of 12 and an apothem of 8 What is its area?
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What is the area of a regular heptagon with a side length of 8 in. and an apothem of 8.3 in.?

232.57 square inches.

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130 to find the area of any regular polygon, multiply the perimeter by one-half the apothem. This is the same as multiplying the side-lengths by the number of sides by one-half the apothem.

What is the area of a regular nonagon with a side length of 9 and an apothem of 16?

A regular nonagon with a side length of 9 has an apothem of 12.4 not 16. So the question is inconsistent.

What is the area of a regular octagon with a side length of 4 inches and an apothem length of 4.8 inches?

By joining all the vertices to the centre of the octagon, the apothem forms the height of the triangles with the side of the regular octagon as the base. This the area is 8 × area_triangles = 8 × ½ × side × apothem = 4 × side × apothem: Area_regular_octagon = 4 × side_length × apothem ≈ 4 × 4 in × 4.8 in = 76.8 in²

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regular pentagon area of 12 000 m2 and an apothem of 40 m regular pentagon area of 12 000 m2 and an apothem of 40 m need to figure it out from area 12000 m2

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A regular octagon with sides of length 8 and an apothem of length 9.66 has an area of how many square units?

By Apothem LengthThe area of a regular octagon can also be computed using its measured apothem (a line from the center to the middle of any side). The formula for an octagon with side length s and apothem a is Area = a4s . (apothem times one-half the perimeter)So for this example, (8 cm and 9.66 cm) Area = (9.66)(32) = 309.12 cm2----By Side LengthThe area of a regular octagon with side length s is given as Area = 4.828427 s2 , so for a regular octagon of side length 8 cm , the area is calculated as 309.02 cm2. (indicating an error from rounding the apothem length)(This formula is generated by adding or subtracting the missing corner triangles.)

If a regular octagon's apothem is 14.5cm and the length of the side is 12cm what is the area?

i think its 10

A regular octagon with sides of length 11 and an apothem of length 8.85 has an area of what?

An apothem of a regular polygon is a segment from its center to the midpoint of a side. You can use the apothem to find the area of a regular polygon using this formula: A = pa/2 where p is the perimeter of the figure and a is the apothem. For a regular octagon with side length 11, the perimeter p = 8(11) = 88. So the area would be A = 88(8.85)/2 = 389.4 square units.