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Q: If points of a line lie on a plane does the whole line lie on the plane?
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Points that line on the same plane?

Points or lines that lie on the same plane are coplanar.

If three points are coplanar then are they collinear?

Not necessarily. Coplanar means that points lie on the same plane whereas collinear means that points lie on the same line. Points on a plane do not necessarily lie along the same line.

Does a plane containing 2 points of a line contains the entire line?

Yes, a plane containing 2 points of a line contains the entire line. Let us consider two points on a plane and then draw a line segment joining those two points. Since the points lie on the plane so line segment has to lie completely on that plane too. Now if we extend the line segment indefinitely in both directions we get a line and that line also has to lie on the same plane since some definite part(line segment) of it(line) also lies on the same plane.

What are the meaning of collinear and coplanar points?

They are lines or points that lie on the same plane. Remember 3 or more points are collinear if they lie on the same line. IF those lines lie on the same plane they are coplanar.

Differentiate of collinear points and coplanar points?

Collinear points are points that lie on the same line, while coplanar points are points that lie on the same plane.

If line d intersects plane F then how many points on line d also lie on plane F?

There are one or infinitely many points.

A line two points are guaranteed to be coplanar if?

they lie in the same plane

In general how many planes are there which contain any number of given points?

There are no planes containing any number of given points. Two points not the same define a line. Three points not in a line define a plane. For four or more points to lie in the same plane, three can be arbitrary but not on the same line, but the fourth (and so on) points must lie in that same plane.

What are three or more points not all of which lie on the same line?

if there are three or more points not all of which lie on the same line then they are known as non linear pointsif there are specifically three points not all of which lie on the same line then they are known as coplanar points as they will always lie on one plane

How many points are needed to determine a unique plane?

A plane can be determined by three points, as long as the three points do not lie along a single line.

Do three coplanar points lie on the same line?

They lie in the same plane, but they don't necessarily have to lie on the same line. Every triangle consists of three points that are coplanar but non-colinear.

Describe the ideas of point line and plane?

A point is a coordinate on an axis. A line is the connection between two points. A plane is the object of perspective that points and lines lie on.