Not necessarily. Coplanar means that points lie on the same plane whereas collinear means that points lie on the same line. Points on a plane do not necessarily lie along the same line.
They need not be. The four vertices of a quadrilateral are coplanar but NOT collinear. On the other hand, any line (in Eucledian geometry) has an infinite number of points on it - all of which are coplanar.
no,three points can be non collinear
As defined by Math Open Reference: collinear points are points that lie on the same line. Any series of points with a yvalue of 4, for example, will be collinear since they lie on the same line. Lines formed by collinear points can have any slope and be located anywhere on a co-ordinate plane. The Math Open Reference link shows a working visual example of collinear points.
It's not possible to say without seeing the drawing.
Coplanar lines that do not intersect (have no common point) are parallel.Two objects are coplanar if they both lie in the same plane, they must either intersect or be parallel.
No but they are always coplanar.
because coplanar is coplanar and collinear is collinear!!
Yes, collinear points are also coplanar.
Any set of points that are collinear must be coplanar.
Not sure about complanar. Coplanar lines can be collinear but need not be.
3 coplanar points may or may not be collinear. 3 collinear points must be coplanar.
A set of 3 points will always be coplanar, but will only sometimes be collinear. Collinear points are always coplanar as well.
Collinear points are points that lie on the same line, while coplanar points are points that lie on the same plane.