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If length is "l" and width is "w", then the equation can be written as:


because we know that in a quadrilateral, the perimeter is the length plus the length plus the width plus the width, or 2 times the length plus 2 times the width.

To simplify 2l+2w=150, we can divide each side by two:

2l+2w=150 (150 divided by 2= 75)

l+w =75

Now we know that the length plus the width is 75 units.

We know that the length is twice the length is twice the width, or:


We can substitute this in for the length.

l+w =75

(2w)+w =75


Now, we can divide each side by 3 to get the width:

3w=75 (75 divided by 3= 25)


The width=25 units

Now, we can figure out what the length is by putting in 25 for the width:



We can subtract each side by 25:

l+25=75 (75-25=50)


The length=50 units

We know this is correct because 50 (the length) is two times 25 (the width)

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Q: If the perimeter is 150 and if the length is twice the width than what is the length and the width?
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