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Q: If there is a liter of air and a liter of water which is heavier?
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What is heavier 1 liter of air or 1 liter of water?

Water because a liter is a measurement of space and not mass. Water occupying 1 liter of space is lots heavier than air occupying 1 liter of space. <><><><><> It depends on density. It is possible, given enough pressure, to have one liter of air weigh more than one liter of water.

Is a liter of compost the same as a liter of water?

No, compost is bulky and will have air-spaces. So less compost can be packed into the litre container. Water is a liquid and will fill the container completely, and will be heavier.

Is breath heavier than air?

No, water is heavier than air.

Is wind erosion more powerful than water erosion?

not at all. water is by far more dense therefore liter per liter, its way heavier. erosion happpens when partices are rubbed off an object, changing its shape. because water is much heavier than air. frictional force due to the mass of water will do much more erosion to an object

Is hot air liter or heavier than cold air?

Hot air rises, so is lighter than cold air.

Is moist air heavier or lighter than dry air?

Moist air is heavier than dry air, because of the water.

If you drink 1 liter of water will you weigh 1 kg heavier?


Why liter of water is heavier than liter of ethanol?

The density of water is greater than the density of ethanol. This is partly a result of how tightly packed the molecules of the substance are.

Is Warm air heavier or cold air?

cold air is heavier than the warm air warm air has low water so it is hot and low heavy but cold air has a lot of water so it cold and heavy

Out of dry and wet air which is heavier?

Moist air weighs less than dry air at the same temperature. This is because the density of diatomic Oxygen and Nitrogen is greater than water vapor (H2O).

Why do paper clip?

Because they are heavier than water and have no air in them

Is there any material that becomes heavier when submerged in water and lighter when it is taken out?

A porous object absorb water and is heavier. In air the water is evaporated and the object become lighter.