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Q: If two hermitrion operator commute then they have a common set of eigen vector?
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What is physical significance of divergence?

Divergence is a vector operator that measures the magnitude of a vector fields source or sink at a given point.

Is momentum a scalar quality?

A vector quantity is one which transforms like the coordinates. In other words, if a coordinate system is transformed by an operator , any vector quantity in the old coordinate system can be transformed to its equivalent in the new system by the same operator. An example of a vector quantity is displacement (r). If displacement is a vector, the rate of change of displacement (dr/dt) or the velocity is also a vector. The mass of an object (M) is a scalar quantity. Multiplying a vector by a scalar yields a vector. So momentum, which is the mass multiplied by velocity, is also a vector. Momentum too transforms like the coordinates, much like any other vector. The definition of a vector as a quantity having "magnitude and direction" is simply wrong. For example, electric current has "magnitude and direction", but is a scalar and not a vector.

What is a mathematical operation?

An operator is a mapping from one vector space to another.

Common vector in the Caribbean?

Flies, mosquitoes,ticks and fleas

Explain about the Vector Addion and compounds?

consider two vector OA and OB startingat a common point O as shown in fig2.3.

Why vector division is not possible?

In the case of the dot product, you would need to find a vector which, multiplied by another vector, gives a certain real number. This vector is not uniquely defined; several different vectors could be used to give the same result, even if the other vector is specified. For the other two common multiplications defined for vector, the inverse of multiplication, i.e. the division, can be clearly defined.

What do string and vector and array all inherit from that has the size method so you can take it as an argument?

string, vector and array do not have a common base class. Overload your function to accept either a string, a vector or an array.

Write a function that creates a vector of user-given size M using new operator?

template<typename T> std::vector<T>* create_new_vector (const size_t M) { std::vector<T>* p = nullptr; try { if (p = new std::vector<T>) { p->resize (M); p->shrink_to_fit (); } } catch (std::exception& e) { throw e; } return p; }

List four common vector in the Caribbean?

flies,mosquitoes,fleas and ticks

How can we Convert of infix to prefix?

q ß q - 1S[q] ß V[m]Else if V[m] is an operator then push it into the operator stack. 6. Ignore Right parenthesis. 7. If the V[m] is a Left parenthesis thanpop operator1 from the operator stack :operator1 ß operator at top of operator stackq ß q - 1S[q] ß operater1End ifThe postfix notation is found in the vector S and is of length (n+1)/2

Force is a vector quantity. What two characteristics are common to all force?

magnitude and direction

Can a vector be represented in terms of unit vector?

Yes, a vector can be represented in terms of a unit vector which is in the same direction as the vector. it will be the unit vector in the direction of the vector times the magnitude of the vector.