

What is linear operator?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: What is linear operator?
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Arch W. Naylor has written: 'Linear operator theory in engineering and science' -- subject(s): Linear operators

What is a Hermitian operator?

A Hermitian operator is a linear operator that is equal to its own adjoint. In other words, the adjoint of a Hermitian operator is the same as the operator itself. Hermitian operators play a key role in quantum mechanics as they correspond to observable physical quantities.

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Michael A. Dritschel has written: 'Model theory and linear extreme points in the numerical radius unit ball' -- subject(s): Decomposition method, Model theory, Operator theory 'The Extended Field of Operator Theory (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications)'

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The commutation relation between the spin operator 's' and the linear momentum 'p' is given by [s_i, p_j] = iħε_ijkσ_k, where s_i are the components of the spin operator, p_j are the components of the linear momentum, ħ is the reduced Planck constant, ε_ijk is the Levi-Civita symbol, and σ_k are the Pauli matrices.

If T is a linear operator on an inner product space is the norm of Tx equals norm of x if and only if inner product of Tx and Ty equals inner product of x and y?

no -- consider linear map sending entire source space to zero of target space

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An antisymmetrization is an act of making something antisymmetric.

What are different types of operators?

The different types of operators are as follows: *Arithmatic operator *Relational operator *Logical operator *Assignment operator *Increment/Decrement operator *Conditional operator *Bitwise operator *Special operator

What is the operator that cannot be overloaded in c plus plus and java?

conditional operator , size of operator , membership operator and scope resulation operator can not be overload in c++

Which operator works like sizeof operator in Java?

Java does not have the sizeOf() operator or any operator that gives an equivalent result.

What is operator function?

An operator function implements a particular operator symbol. The database server provides special SQL-invoked functions, called operator functions, that implement operators. An operator function processes one to three arguments and returns a value. When an SQL statement contains an operator, the database server automatically invokes the associated operator function. The association between an operator and an operator function is called operator binding. You can overload an operator function to provide the operator for a UDT. The SQL user can then use the operator with the UDT as well as with the built-in data types. When an SQL statement contains an operator, the database server automatically invokes the associated operator function.

Is a water operator or an water operator which is correct?

A water operator is grammatically correct.