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Q: If you compared a tiger a horse and a hippopotamus which would have the smallest surface area to volume ratio?
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What has the largest surface to volume ratio a horse tiger or a hippopotamus?


What is the smallest possible surface area of a right prism with a volume of 200 cm3?

Assuming you mean a rectangular prism, you get the smallest surface area if the prism is a cube. You can calculate the required length of side to get that volume; then, based on that, the corresponding surface area.

Does a basketball have a lot of surface to volume ratio?

No. A sphere has the smallest surface to volume ratio possible and a basketball is nearly spherical in shape (it has surface dimpling and seams).

What geometric shape has the smallest surface area for a given volume?

A sphere

What geometric shape has the smallest surface area for given volume?

A sphere

Which organism has the smallest surface area to volume ratio?

The largest organism.

Why is a bubble spherical?

The spherical shape is the smallest surface area for a given volume. This comes about naturally when a surface under pure surface tension contains a fluid volume.

What solid shape minimises surface area?

the sphere has the smallest surface area for any given volume.

How does the surface area change compared to the volume as a cell gets larger?

Surface area increases as the square of the diameter, whereas the volume increases by the cube.

Why air bubbles from the deep smaller when compared to surface of water?

In their motion to the surface air bubbles are associated and the volume increase.

Which cell has the greater surface area compared to its volume the large cell or one of the smaller cells?

A smaller cell has a higher surface area to volume ratio. A reason for this is volume is cubic (3D) and surface area is 2D so when surface area increases a little bit, the volume increases exponentially. And when the surface area shrinks a little bit, the volume decreases exponentially.

What does volume and surface area have in common?

The volume of a body and the surface area arerelated but not in a direct way. For a given volume, the smallest surface area of an object is seen then the object is a sphere. As the shape flattens from a sphere, so the surface area becomes larger. When the object approaches an infinitely small thickness, the surface area approaches and infinite size.