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The value of y increases, such that x*y remains a constant.

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Q: In an inverse relationship how do the values of y change as the values of x is decreased?
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In an inverse relationship how do the values of y change as the values of x increase?

Y would decrease in value as X increases in value.

What is the relationship between two data sets when one data set of data values increases while the other decreases?

There is an inverse relationship between the datasets.

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Inverse proportion

Is it always true for an inverse relation that the product of the two inversely related variables is constant?

It can't always be true. What if an inverse relationship crosses the origin, or one of the axes? In that case, at least one of the values (and therefore the product) will be zero.

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sodium values will be decreased by haemolysis

Reduce type 1 error?

Accept lower p-values (meaning lower in magnitude; values tending toward zero).--And don't forget that by reducing the probability of getting a type I error, you increase the probability of getting a type II error (inverse relationship).

What is an inverse relationship between x and y?

That depends on the original relation. For any relation y = f(x) the domain is all acceptable values of x and the range, y, is all answers of the function. The inverse relation would take all y values of the original function, what was the range, and these become the domain for the inverse, these must produce answers which are a new range for this inverse, which must match the original domain. IE: the domain becomes the range and the range becomes the domain. Ex: y = x2 is the original relation the inverse is y = =/- square root x Rules to find the inverse are simple substitute x = y and y = x in the original and solve for the new y. The notation is the original relation if y = f(x) but the inverse is denoted as y = f -1(x), (the -1 is not used as an exponent, but is read as the word inverse)

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Relationship between values goals and standard

Which electrolyte helps regulate cardiac impulse transmission and muscle contraction?

Potassium has the main direct effect on cardiac impulse transmission and muscle contraction. However, potassium (K+) and sodium (Na) have an inverse relationship; when one is increased the olther is decreased. In cardiac health, both must be balanced to effect homeostasis. This is why repeat electrolyte lab values and cardiac enzymes are so important in unstable cardiac patients.

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Social class has caused great changes in people's values, money worship is an important reason which leads to crime

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The moral values of the people in the relationship.

If values for x and y vary as an inverse proportion?

their product is a constant i think... hope that helps :)