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Secondary data means the information was gathered somewhere else.ex. Newspaper,news..ect

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Q: In math what does secondary data mean?
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What is primary data in the maths term?

primary and secondary data in math termsprimary data meansinformation collected by your selfsecondary data in math termsdata collected not from your self but anInternet or a book.some thing you didn't collect your selfits not a raw piece of evidence

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The sum of the data divided by the number of pieces of data

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Data collected after any research to gather primary data.

What does ADP mean in a math question?

It could mean Automatic Data Processing, that is, using a computer for working with data.

What does averige mean in math?

In math, the average can be found by dividing the sum of the data by the number of items.

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I don't know what this means but I can tell you what trends mean in math it means A trend within the data the data appears to behave. That's what I got thank you

What does raw math mean?

Raw math means a type of mathematics that employs the use of functions that accept raw data or primitive data as part of their parameters.

What are outliers in math?

A bit of data that is very distant from the normal distribution of data and its mean. An unusual value.

What is external secondary data?

External secondary data - data that is obtained outside the firm itself.

Sources of secondary data?

Secondary data is a data collected by someone other than the user. Secondary data for social science include censuses and organizational records.

What does statistics mean in math?

Statistics is the study of collecting , organizing , and interpreting data!

What does the stem and leaves mean in math?

It is a statistical procedure for summarising discrete data.