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50% will be tall

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Q: In the cross AA x AA what is the probability of obtaining AA offspring?
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From the cross AA x AA the probability of producing a homozygous dominant offspring is?

From the cross Aa x Aa, the probability of producing a homozygous dominant offspring is 1/4 or (0.25).

What is the probability of producing a homozygous dominant offspring from the cross of AA and AA?


From the cross AA X AA the probability of producing a homozygous dominat offspring is?

Here are the four possibilities: AA Aa Aa aa Therefore there is a 25% chance of producing a homozygous dominant offspring (AA).

The F1 offspring of the monohybrid cross AAA x AAA are?

F1 offspring obtained by monohybrid cross of AA and AA will be Aa.

What alleles would the offspring have if both parents are pure a or pure A?

If the parents are both AA, which results in the cross AA X AA, then the offspring will all be AA. If both parents are AA, resulting in the cross AA X AA, then all offspring will be AA. If BOTH parents are Aa, resulting in the cross Aa X Aa, then the offspring will be 25% AA, 50% Aa, and 25% AA. This is only true if the alleles are not sex-linked.

If all offspring of a cross have the genotype Aa the parents of the crosses would most likely be?

If ALL offspring are Aa, The parents are AA and aa.

When hybrids for a certain characteristic are crossed Aa x Aa the recessive genotype AA may appear in some of the offspring because of what?

Probability is the term for the chance that any specific genotype will occur in the offspring from the mating of parents. Typically the capital letter A (in this example) represents the dominant allele as opposed to the recessive allele. The probability of the possible genotypes in a monohybrid cross is 1AA:2Aa:1aa. The probability of AA is .25 or 25%.

What is the genotypic ratio of the offspring from a cross of AAA x AAA?

The genotypic ratio of a cross of Aa and Aa is: one AA, one aa, and two Aa. Or 1:2:1

Which cross would produce the least phenotypic variation?

There are two choices that produce the least phenotypic variation. AA times aa produces only Aa offspring. AA times Aa produces and AA and Aa offspring.

What is the expected phenotype ratio of seed color of the offspring of an F1 x F1 cross?

If the parents were AA and AA for example then the phenotype ratio will be 1 A (the dominant allele). The genotype will be 1Aa.

Can AA and SS give birth to AA?

No, AA and SS cannot give birth to AA offspring. In this scenario, there would be a 50% chance of producing AS offspring (heterozygous) and a 50% chance of producing SS offspring (homozygous recessive).

What will have only two possible phenotypes?

Any cross of parents for a single trait where the dominant allele completely masks any expression of the recessive allele as follows:Parents are both heterozygous for the trait. For example Aa X Aa produces 75% of offspring with the dominant phenotype and 25% with the recessive phenotype.One parent is heterozygous for the trait and the other parent is homozygous recessive. For example: Aa X aa produces 50% offspring with the dominant phenotype and 50% offspring with the recessive phenotype.If the trait is co-dominant/non-dominant a heterozygote would have the median characteristic and a homozygote could be either of two phenotypes. If T is tall and t is short the Tt offspring would bemedium in this example. The way to produce offspring with only two phenotypes would be to cross a heterozygous parent with a homozygous parent. For Example:Tt X tt cross would produce 50% tt (short) offspring and 50% Tt (medium) offspring. A TT X Tt cross would produce 50% TT (tall) offspring and 50% Tt (medium) offspring.