

Is 153 a palindrome number

Updated: 10/24/2022
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12y ago

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To be a palindrome the number must read the same forwards as backwards. "153" is not the same number as "351" so this is not palindromic!

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Q: Is 153 a palindrome number
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What is amstrong number?

153 is a Armstrong number 13+53+33=153

What is pallendrome in java?

palindrome in every language means same. it means on reversing a number or string, if we get the same number or string as the case may be ,then the number or string is called palindrome. eg: 1221,111,252 or LIRIL,MADAM etc .

What is an example program in Bluej whether a number is a palindrome or not?

class test { public static void main(int num) { int num2=num; int rnum=0; while (num2>0) { int q=num2/10; int dig=num2%10; rnum = rnum*10+dig; num2=q; } if (rnum==num) System.out.println("Palindrome number"); else System.out.println("Not a Palindrome number"); } }

Write a c program that reverse a given integer number and check whether the number is palindrome or not?

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define N 100 #define PALINDROME 0 #define NONPALINDROME 1 /*Program that tells you whether what you enter is a palindrome or not*/ char pal[N]; //input line int i; //counter int k; //counter int tag; int flag = PALINDROME; /*flag=0 ->palindrome, flag =1 ->nonpalindrome*/ int main() { printf("Enter something: \n"); scanf("%s", pal); tag = strlen(pal); /*determine length of string*/ /* pointer running from the beginning and the end simultaneously looking for two characters that don't match */ /* initially assumed that string IS a palindrome */ /* the following for loop looks for inequality and flags the string as a non palindrome the moment two characters don't match */ for (i=0,k=tag-1; i=0; i++,k--) { if(pal[i] != pal[k]) { flag=NONPALINDROME; break; } } if(flag == PALINDROME) { printf("This is a palindrome\n"); } else { printf("This is NOT a palindrome\n"); } return 0; } #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define N 100 #define PALINDROME 0 #define NONPALINDROME 1 /*Program that tells you whether what you enter is a palindrome or not*/ char pal[N]; //input line int i; //counter int k; //counter int tag; int flag = PALINDROME; /*flag=0 ->palindrome, flag =1 ->nonpalindrome*/ int main() { printf("Enter something: \n"); scanf("%s", pal); tag = strlen(pal); /*determine length of string*/ /* pointer running from the beginning and the end simultaneously looking for two characters that don't match */ /* initially assumed that string IS a palindrome */ /* the following for loop looks for inequality and flags the string as a non palindrome the moment two characters don't match */ for (i=0,k=tag-1; i=0; i++,k--) { if(pal[i] != pal[k]) { flag=NONPALINDROME; break; } } if(flag == PALINDROME) { printf("This is a palindrome\n"); } else { printf("This is NOT a palindrome\n"); } return 0; }

Write a program using method plainto check whether a string is a palindrome or not A palindrome is a string that reads the same from left to right and vice-versa?

Palindrome number is a number like 121 which remains the same when its digits are reversed. To find this number in a simple java program, just follow the below way. sum = 0; while(n>0) { r=n % 10; sum=concat(r); n=n / 10; } print r;