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Any number that is is a palindrome will always be a palindrome.

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Q: Which 4 digit number is always a palindrome?
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Is the product of a 4-digit number and a 1-digit number always a 4-digit number Explain?

This is not true. Think about any 4 digit multiplied by 1. This remains a 4 digit. In the case of any 4 digit under 5000, multiplied by two would also be a 4 digit number

Is the product of a 4-digit number and a 1-digit number always a 5-digit number Explain?

This is not true. Think about any 4 digit multiplied by 1. This remains a 4 digit. In the case of any 4 digit under 5000, multiplied by two would also be a 4 digit number

What digits are always the same in a 4-digit palindrome?

None. 1221 and 3443 are both 4-digit palindromes but no digit has remained the same between the two. First and fourth, second and third.

Largest 4 digit palindrome that is a multiple of 6?


What is the greatest four-digit palindrome?

The largest possible four-digit number is 9999.In math, a palindrome is a number that reads the same forwards and backwards.For example: 121 is a palindrome because it reads the same from front to back, and from back to front.If you want to find the greatest 4-digit palindrome:We have 4 digits to create, I will represent them by using underscores._ _ _ _For each digit, we can use any number 0 - 9.For this number to be the greatest, we know that we have to use a 9 in the first digit.9 _ _ _And, since we want this number to be a palindrome, we have to use the same digit in the 4th slot.9 _ _ 9Only 2 slots left to fill now, and it will be very easy.Again, we must use any digit 0 - 9 to fill our last 2 slots.AND this number must be the same to make our number a palindrome.We can use process of elimination to help us fill in these last 2 slots.If we put a 0 in those slots, 9009. Are there any 4 digit palindromes larger than this?Well, yes. 9119. again... any 4 digit palindromes larger?Again yes. 9229as you can see, we find larger 4 digit palindromes until...9999Once we hit 9999 we've exhausted all possible answers for a 4 digit palindrome.and that will be your answer.

Why does a 4 digit number take away another 4 digit number equal a multiple of 9?

It doesn't always. It's true only if the 4-digit numbers are mirror images of each other.

How many four digit paindromes are there?

If you realize that a 4 digit palindrome is basically a two digit number followed by it's own reverse, you can re-phrase this question as 'how many two digit numbers are there?' Which would then mean that (if you're considering zeros as digits without a non-zero leading term) there would be a 4 digit palindrome 0000 for the two digit 00; a four digit 0110 for the two digit 01; 0220, 02; etc etc. So the number of four digit palindromes would be the same as the quantity of whole numbers from 00 to 99. So I believe the total answer to your question would be 100.

What is a 1000 digit number called?

If your asking in a digit it's called a 4 digit number and it is the smallest 4 digit number

When is the next palindrome?

do you mean mean dates or years? If we use 2 digit month and day and 4 digit year jan 2, 2010 01 02 2010 2112 is the next palindrome year

What number is palindrome with 4?


Is 4 a palindrome?

The number '4' can be considered a palindrome because it is read the same whether forward or backward. It can become another palindrome when it is considered as 2x2.