which r the first 10 amstrong numbers??
Strong number:-The sum of the factorials of digits of a number is equal to the original number.Ex: n=145=> 1! + 4! + 5! = 1 + 24 + 120 = 145so it is strong number.Armstrong number:-The sum of the cubes of digits of a number is equal to the original number.Ex: n=153 => 13 + 53 +33 = 1+125+27= 153so 153 is arm strong number.C program for strong numbers#include#includevoid main(){int sof=0,n,dn,ctr,prod,rem;printf("Enter the number\n");scanf("%d",&n);dn=n;while(n!=0){prod=1,ctr=1;rem=n%10;while(ctr
Dim no As Integer, r As Integer, sum As Integer = 0, n As Integer = 0 Console.WriteLine("Enter number" & vbLf)no = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine())n = noWhile n > 0r = n Mod 10n = n \ 10sum += r * r * rEnd WhileIf sum = no ThenConsole.WriteLine("{0} is a Amstrong number", no)ElseConsole.WriteLine("{0} is not a Amstrong number", no)End IfConsole.ReadLine()
The biggest disadvantages with oscillators are that they have to be stabilized with control heaters. If the oscillator is operated in a non temperature controlled environment it will drift off frequency and it is not good policy to transmit over a wider that necessary bandwidth. The frequency on either side of the offending transmitter will be affected.
A number is said to be 'sunny' when, 1 added to that number, the square root of it becomes a whole number...
1000 Amstrong is equal to 100 nanometer
Wapakoenta Ohio
Neil Amstrong Has Not Died Yet He Is Still Alive
leo amstrong the 144243
neil amstrong
a rocket
neil amstrong
86 years