No, 1575 is not a Prime number, because it can be divided by numbers other than 1 and itself. In particular without much thought you can see that it is divisible by 5.
Composite. A prime number is defined as "a number not divisable by any integer other than itself and 1". It can be seen that 1575 can be divided by 5,15,25,75 and maybe more. None of these numbers are 1575 or 1 so the number is composite.
It is not a prime number, it is a composite number.
It is prime
86 is not a prime number, so is a composite.
It is a Prime number, and therefore not a composite number.211 is a prime number.
No 168 is not a prime number it is a composite number
The number is not COMPOSITE. Instead, it is a prime number.
A prime number has two factors, a composite number has more than two.
Composite (the only even number that is prime is2).
It is 1 that is neither a prime or a composite number The number 1 is neither prime nor composite.
It is a composite number.