

Is 1 a natural number

Updated: 9/19/2023
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12y ago

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No. Only integers 1 and above, such as 1, 2, 3, 4...

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12y ago

I believe it is.

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Q: Is 1 a natural number
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Is the reciprocal of each natural number a natural number?

No - the ONLY natural number which has a reciprocal which is also a natural number is "1". All the other reciprocals of natural numbers will be fractions that are less than 1.

Which is the smallest natural number?

1 is the smallest natural number.

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Least or smallest natural number is 1.

Is 2.8 a natural number?

No it is not. If it is an integer eg. (1), it is a natural number

Is every rational number a natural number?

No. 1/2 is a rational number but it is not a natural number.

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1 is the Natural number which is the smallest Odd number.

Is -4 a natural number?

No. The natural numbers are the counting numbers {1, 2, 3, ...}.

Does zero natural numbers? is not a natural number, natural numbers start at the number 1.

What is the difference between a whole number and natural number?

A whole number series starts from zero with 1 digit difference, but a natural number series starts from 1 with 1 digit difference. for eg.- 5 is a natural number as well as a whole number. But zero is just a whole number and not a natural number.

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What is the answer if a natural number is doubled when added to its reciprocal?

A natural number is doubled when added to its reciprocal. Find that number!

You find the mean of first natural number?

The first natural number is usually taken to be 1. The mean of one number is itself so the mean of the first natural number is 1.