

Is a factor always greater than its self?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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It can be Equal or Greater than or less than.

4x4 = 16

4x1 = 4

4x-4 =-16

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Q: Is a factor always greater than its self?
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When one factor in multiplication is greater than one is the product greater or less than the other factor?

The terms (factors) used in multiplication are the multiplicand (the factor being multiplied), the multiplier (the factor that the multiplicand is multiplied by) and the product (the answer, or results of the multiplication). Any time either of the factors is greater than the other by at least one, the product will always be greater than the largest factor.

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The smallest prime factor of any even number greater than two will always be two (2).

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No, a GCF is not always great than one. For example the GCF of 7 and 3 is 1.

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No, it is a factor. Multiples are always greater than the number itself, factors are smaller.

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7 is an odd factor of 14 greater than 1

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4 is greater than 3 and is a factor of 20.

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The least common factor for two numbers is always one. The least common multiple for two numbers which have no common factors greater than one is their product.

When is then product of a negative integer and a positive integer less than both of its factors?

This is a clever question. I would say: "Always". To be more precise: The product is never greater than either factor, and if neither factor is ' 1 ', then the product is always less than both.

What is a number greater than 10 and a factor of 30?

15 is a number greater than 10 and a factor of 30.

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No. No number can have a factor greater than itself.

Sorry What does the algebraic symbol less than greater than mean in an equation?

It means that one factor is greater than (>) or less than (<) some other factor.