Yes, the least common multiple of two numbers is always divisible by those numbers' greatest common factor.
The least common multiple of two numbers is always greater than or equal to the largest of the numbers. Examples:lcm(12, 6) = 12 (equal to the largest number)lcm(18, 12) = 36 (greater than the largest number)
The greatest common factor of two numbers has to show up on the lists of factors of both numbers.
300 and 330
The least common factor for two numbers is always one. The least common multiple for two numbers which have no common factors greater than one is their product.
No, the greatest common factor is never greater than the smallest number. The greatest common factor is the largest integer that divides evenly into all of the numbers listed.
Yes, the least common multiple of two numbers is always divisible by those numbers' greatest common factor.
GCF - Greatest Common Factor (GCF is always smaller or equal to at least one of the numbers) LCM - Least Common Multiple (LCM is always greater or equal to at least one of the numbers)
No, the greatest common factor cannot be larger than any of the numbers in the set.
Yes it is.
No. Although the greatest common denominator of a pair of numbers is infinite, the size of the numbers doesn't affect the GCF as much as the difference between them. The GCF of 100 and 102 is 2. The GCf of 33 and 66 is 33.
Yes, the greatest common factor of two different prime numbers is always 1
No, the lesser.
In any list of distinct numbers, one will be greater than the others. In the list of common factors, one will be the greatest.