

Is a parallelagram a polygon

Updated: 10/17/2024
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Q: Is a parallelagram a polygon
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Can a polygon be a parallelagram?

No, but it can be a parallelogram.

Is every parallelagram a polygon?

Yes every parallelogram is a 4 sided polygon

What is defined to be a quadrilateral in which both pairs of opposite sides are parallel a regular polygon b concave polygon c parallelagram d octagon?

Dragon is the answer

What is the name used to describe a polygon having four sides?

Parallelagram, Rhombus, Square, or Rectangle are the ones with congruent sides. There are also shapes like Trapezoids that do not have equal sides.

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A parallelagram can be a square, which has four lines of symmetry or a rectangle which has two lines of symmetry but the generic parallelagram has zero lines of symmetry

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