

Is a prime number relatively prime to any number?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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No,2 is a Prime number but 2 and 4 are not relatively prime because both have common factor 2 which is other than 1.

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Q: Is a prime number relatively prime to any number?
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To choose a number that is relatively prime to any other number, you need to select a number that has no common factors (other than 1) with those other numbers. One way to ensure this is to choose a prime number. Prime numbers only have two factors: 1 and itself, making them relatively prime to any other number.

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No, 100 and 202 are not relatively prime. Relatively prime numbers only have the number 1 as a common factor. The number 1 is a common factor for them, but the number 2 is another common factor that they have, so they are not relatively prime.

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Relatively prime numbers have a GCF of 1.

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Since 167 is a prime, any number smaller that 167 will be relatively prime. So, the largest number less than 100, that is 99, is relatively prime.

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There are infiinitely many relatively prime numbers. Any number whose factors do not include 2 or 5 will do.

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A number cannot be relatively prime number by itself. It can only be relatively prime in the context of (relativeto) another number. That requires the two numbers not to have any prime factors in common.

What are the realitivly prime numbers?

Any number greater than one can be relatively prime. Two relatively prime numbers have a GCF of 1.