No, they are two different things. Mainly because the Box And Whisker Plot has a different technique and focuses on highs and lows. The Stem and Leaf Plot has to do with key codes, grouping numbers, and amounts.
Use a stem and leaf plot
It is the result of drawing stem-and-leaf plots for two variables, back-to-back, such that they share the same stem.
All stories have the same plot elements -- you just need to read one and get started figuring out which part is which.
Parallel plot means that the author has two plot lines going at the same time. For example, in one of my stories, one plot has the characters working on a mystery for the government. A second plot that happens at the same time, parallel to the first, has them working at their security firm. Using parallel plots makes the story more interesting because there is more action.
The most important thing that the store owner should learn is that a stem and leaf plot is a huge waste of time in her circumstances. She ought to learn that using some fancy statistical technique may not always be appropriate. There are other methods that are far more useful. A stem-and-leaf plot will tell her the range of prices of the goods that she sells, along with median and percentiles, etc. but what use is that information to a storekeeper? They may want to know what lines are selling well, which ones are not moving at all. Even more important, they may want to know how the high-profit-margin lines are doing. Alternatively, she may wish to compare her prices with her competition, but that is useful only if she can compare prices of the same (or similar) goods. A stem-and-leaf plot does not identify the individual product lines and so she would not be able to undertake such a comparison. All in all, I cannot see a single reason for a stem-and-leaf plot - other than to give her school-age child something to do!
All it means that there were more than one observations which had the same value.
Only if the numbers to be converted into scientific notation are the same otherwise the exponents can vary according to the size the numbers.