

Is average speed the same thing as inertia?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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No. Inertia is the tendency of an object to maintain its velocity.

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Q: Is average speed the same thing as inertia?
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How do you get the avrage speed?

d/t=s d = distance t = time s = speed the speed is actually going to be the average speed because they are practically the same thing (and for this equation speed is the exact same thing as average speed)

Are mass and inertia directly or inversely related?

mass and inertia are the same thing.

What is the definiton of inertia?

inertia is the tendency of an object to remain at rest, or to continue to move in the same direction at constant speed. [physics]

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No, they are not the same thing. Mean and average are the same thing.

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velocity is a vector and speed is scalar. Velocity has magnitude and directions, with magnitude being speed. The magnitude of average velocity and average speed is the same.

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Is average speed the same as speed?

Average Speed is different from average speed becoz speed is particular while avera speed is the total distance divided from time

When are speed and average speed the same?

Average speed is an average value of speed over a given time. If your speed is constant (not changing), then your average speed will equal your speed at any given moment in time.

Can average velocity and average speed be same?

The magnitude of both can be the same.

Does speed have to do with inertia?

Yes. Inertia is what holds an object in motion from falling faster than the object falling at the same time. Say you have a brick and a feather. Which falls faster? Neither. You see, inertia contributes with the third law of motion, meaning an object at rest will stay at rest until a net zero force acts upon it. Meaning that inertia is that net zero force keeping that object at rest still. Now, if you dropped a brick off of the building at the same time as the feather, inertia would keep the brick from falling faster than the feather because of its speed. Gravity is pulling the object toward earth and inertia is holding it back. Same for the feather except theres less inertia because of the weight of the feather.More Speed= More inertia. Keep that in mind.

How does inertia affect gravity?

Inertia does not affect gravity, these are two entirely separate things, even though they both are produced by the same thing, which is mass. Mass creates both inertia and gravity, but inertia and gravity do not affect each other.