

Is infinity plus one the largest number in the world?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Not exactly. Infinity means that the number goes on forever so you really can't add one to it.

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Q: Is infinity plus one the largest number in the world?
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What is the largest number in the world?

(MAYBE ONLY) Mathematically, there is no biggest number because if you were to identify any number and call it the biggest, it would always be possible to make a bigger one. Big number +1 = bigger number. Perhaps the answer you are looking for is infinity. (ACTUAL ANSWER) INFINITY IS A MATH SYMBOL .Plus the biggest number is a googaplax. Even if you say googaplax +1 (or bigger)there is no such thing.

What is the highest number besides infinity?

Infinity is a concept, not a number. Even if it were considered such, infinity plus one is also infinity, and so infinity minus one is still infinity.

What is 111 plus infinity?

Infinity is not actually a number, to you can't do this equation.

What is the number before negative infinity?

Negative infinity plus one.

What about infinity plus one?

Infinity isn't a number, so you cannot add another number to it. Infinity is unlimite numbers.

What in the highest number in the world?

The list of numbers continues forever so there is not a largest number. We sometimes call the 'final number' infinity but it is not a fixed number - it has no value. Think about this: Let n be any number What must n+1 be? Well, it is a number plus another number so it must also be a number. That means that the list of numbers continues forever and there is no largest number.

Sum of 4 plus 44 plus 444 plus 4444 plus 44444 plus44444 plusand so on is?

Infinity as it goes on, the number DIVERGES to positive infinity.

What is the square root of infinity?

Since infinity is not a defined number, it is impossible to have a square root of it. its infinity!

What is infinity divided by 5?

Infinity divided by any finite number is infinity. Here are the rules: 1. Infinity divided by a finite number is infinite (I / f = I); 2. Any finite number divided by infinity is a number infinitesimally larger than, but never equal to, zero (f / I = 1 / I); 3. Infinity divided by infinity is one (I / I = 1), or in fact any other positive number (I / I = and so on...); 4. Infinity multiplied by zero (no infinity) is zero (I * 0 = 0); 5. Infinity divided by a positive finite number is infinity (I / +f = I); 6. Infinity divided by a negative finite number is minus infinity (I / -f = -I); 7. Infinity divided by zero is not possible; 8. Infinity plus infinity is infinity (I + I = I); 9. Zero divided by infinity (nothing divided into infinity) equals zero (0 / I = 0); 10. Infinity plus a finite number is infinity (I + f = I); 11. Infinity minus a finite number is infinity (I - f = I); but 12. Infinity minus infinity, due to the nature of infinity, can be zero, infinity, or minus infinity (I - I = -I, 0, I).

What is the next number after infinity?

Infinity is an undefined term that in reality will never be met, therefore there is no number larger than it. ex) infinity plus one is still equal to infinity

What is the number after infinity?

Infinity is as big as you can get, so there is no number after it.There is also a "negative infinity" going the other way, so the total number of integers could be considered as two infinity (2 x ∞), or two ∞ plus 1 if you include zero. But usually infinity is defined to include the entire set of integers.* * * * *Except that infinity plus infinity, or even infinity times infinity is still infinity. However, infinity to the power of infinity is a higher level of infinity (Aleph1 rather than Aleph0). And if that does not do your head in, there is a lot more to the mathematics of infinities.