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Negative infinity plus one.

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Q: What is the number before negative infinity?
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Related questions

Does a negative number times positive infinity equal negative infinity?

Yes. Multiplying a negative number by a very large positive number will equal a large negative number. If you have the function y = -x, then as x approaches infinity, y will approach negative infinity at the same rate.

Is there such thing as negative infinity?

Yes and no. Technically, infinity cannot be negative because it is an idea, not a number, but negative infinity is used in several mathematical equasions

What is negative infinity plus negative infinity?

Negative infinity plus negative infinity equals negative infinity.

Can an integer be negative?

Integers are whole numbers that go from negative infinity to positive infinity. As such, they do cover the negative range of the number line.

What is a negative number divided by zero?

infinity i

Is negative infinity the largest or smallest number?

Smallest number

What is 1 minus infinity?

Any specific number minus infinity is -∞ Note if you try to subtract infinity from infinity, the answer is undefined - because infinity is a "cardinality" rather than a specific number.

What number comes before infinite?

Infinity is an imaginary number so if you meant the previous whole number to infinity it would be expressed as infinity minus one. If you meant the highest number possible before reaching infinity is would be: infinity - 1/infinity

What is a positive or negative number from zero to infinity?


What is the smallest negative integers?

The set of negative integers is {-1, -2, -3, ...}. The greatest negative integer is -1. From there the numbers progress toward negative infinity. There are an infinite number of negative integers as they approach negative infinity. So there is no smallest negative integer. -1

Does a negative infinity times any number equals zero?

0 is the only number times infinity equal to 0

What is negative infinity times positive infinity?

negative infinity