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Q: Is it always necessary to find the LCD to compare the sizes of fractions explain?
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Is it always necessary to find the least common denominator to compare the sizes of fractions?

When comparing fractions you must find a common denominator; by finding the least common denominator it will keep the numbers (numerators and denominator) smaller .

when adding mixed numbers,is it always necessary to write the sum as a mixed number Explain?

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Why not always reduce fractions to lowest terms?

Sometimes it is easier to work with fractions that are not reduced. For example, if you wanted to compare whether 6/10 or 13/20 was larger, you would not need to reduce 6/10; in fact you would want to rewrite 6/10 as 12/20 so you could compare.

How to add fractions having similar numerators but different denominators?

The first step, to add, subtract, or compare fractions, is always to convert the fractions to equivalent fractions, that all have the same denominator. You can use one of several techniques to get the LEAST common denominator, or simply multiply the two denominators to get a common denominator (which in this case may, or may not, be the smallest common denominator).

Do you always simplify fractions?

not always,only when you need to

Is four sevenths the same as two fifths?

To compare two fractions, find a common denominator (multiplying the two denominators will always give you a common denominator), convert both fractions to the common denominator, then compare. Another - actually easier - way to compare two fractions is to convert both to decimal. Just pick up a calculator, and divide the numerator by the denominator.

When dividing fractions does the answer always end with an improper fraction?

Not always. There are times when division of fractions results in a non-improper fraction.

What is always needed to add fractions?

Fractions! Otherwise you don't have anything to add.

What fractions will equal to 1?

Fractions will always equal 1 when their numerator is the same as their denominator

When adding two mixed numbers is it always necessary to rename the fractional sum explain?

Only if the fraction is improper (greater than one).

Can be the improper fractions less than 1?

Improper fractions are always > 1. Reason, the numerator (top) is always larger than the denominator(bottom). NB Improper fractions is the correct term for 'Top Heavy' fractions.

When is the product of two fractions less than its factors?

If the fractions are both proper fractions ... equivalent to less than 1 ... thenthat's always true ... the product is always less than either factor.