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no. Irrational Numbers are always infininately long, otherwise the could be represented as a fraction by multiplying by 10^n and dividing by 10^n where n is a number large enough to make the number a number with no decimals.

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Q: Is it possible to completely write out an irrational number in decimal form?
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Can you write out an irrational number in decimal form?

Not completely to its end. If you can completely write a number with digits, then it's a rational number.

A decimal number is an irrational number?

A decimal number can be rational or irrational.

How can you tell if a decimal is an irrational number?

When a decimal can't be expressed as a fraction then it is an irrational number.

Is pi a recurring decimal a terminating decimal or an irrational number?

Pi is an irrational number

Can an irrational number become rarional by dropping a few decimal points?

Well, not 'a few'. An irrational number can never be completely written out.As a decimal, it just keeps going and going, forever. If you stop it anywhereand say "That's the number.", then you have a rational number.

What are the difference between decimal in rational and decimal in irrational?

A decimal rational number can be expressed as a fraction A decimal irrational number can not be expressed as a fraction

How do you tell if a number is irrational?

If it is a terminating or recurring decimal then it is not irrational. If it is an infinite, non-recurring decimal, it is irrational.

What type of decimal is an irrational number?

An irrational number has a decimal representation that is non-terminating and non-repeating.

Is a terminating decimal irrational?

An irrational number is a number that has no definite end and a terminating number is a number that has a definite end. So this means that a decimal that is terminating cannot be irrational.

Is 12.52 rational or irrational?

12.52 is rational, as is any number that you can write out completely in decimal form.

Is 1.73 an irrational number?

No. If you write an irrational number as a decimal, it will have an infinite number of decimal digits that don't repeat periodically.

What is the decimal expansion of an irrational no. is?

It is the decimal approximation to the value of the irrational number.