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No. Correlation coefficient is measured from +1 to -1. In addition, if the two sets of exam are exactly same, their correlation coefficient is +1.

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Q: Is it possible to obtain a correlation coefficient of 1.5 for two sets of test scores?
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Credit Karma or Quizzle are two places you can visit to obtain your FICO credit scores? You can also go to Transunion's web site. It's also possible to find it at Lending Tree.

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A negative correlation

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To obtain 3 credit report scores you can probably go to your bank of record. They will ask you pertenant questions and get an answer for you in a few days.

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These scores are not published comparatively. You can obtain the desired scores on the VCE from the particular institution you are interested in directly.

What is a weak negative correlation?

A negative correlation is when you compare 2 sets of data on a line graph (e.g. scores in a French test and scores in an English test), the higher one thing is, the lower the other is (e.g. someone might score 98% on the French test but only 12% on the English test (or visa versa)). A positive correlation is the other way around. A weak correlation is when there is a lot of deviation from the line of best fit (there will always be one with correlations as a line of best fit shows correlations after all) whereas with a strong correlation, there is little deviation.

Is there any correlation between sleep deprivation and academic performance?

Yes when you dont get enough sleep your scores are greatly affected

Which of the following is a logical hypothesis based on the information below?

There may be a correlation between the presence of a library and higher test scores

What is a positive negative correlation?

Correlation determines relationship between two variables. For example changes in one variable influence another variable, we can say that there is a correlation between the two variables. For example, we can say that there exists a correlation between the number of hours spent on reading and preparation and the scores obtained in the examination. One can infer that higher the amount of time spent on preparation may result in better performance in examination leading to higher scores. Hence the above is a case of positive correlation. If an increase in independent variable leads to an increase in dependent variable, it is a case of positive correlation. On the other hand if an increase in independent variable leads to a reduction in dependent variable, it is a case of negative correlation. An example for negative correlation could be the relationship between the age advancement and resistance to diseases. As age advances, resistance to disease reduces.