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Q: Is it true that you can tell how many tens hundreds or thousands are in a number by moving the decimal point?
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How to Convert 950000000 to million?

To 'convert' a number to millions, divide it by 1,000,000. This is the same as moving the decimal point six places to the left * 950000000 = units * 95000000.0 = tens * 9500000.00 = hundreds * 950000.000 = thousands * 95000.0000 = tens of thousands * 9500.00000 = hundreds of thousands * 950.000000 = millions So, the answer is that 950000000 = 950 millions This can be easily seen by using the comma separator as I did in the first line, where the comma on the right separates the thousands from the hundreds, and the comma on the left separates the millions from the hundreds of thousands = 950,000,000

How much is hundreds of thousands?

It is simply an unspecified number of hundreds of thousands!

What are the digits called when you add numbers?

Remember , when starting from the decimal point, and moving to the left, each digit column is named ;- Units, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, Tens of thousands, 'Hundreds of thousands' and ' millions. Again starting the with decimal point, and moving to the right, each digit colum is named ; 'Tenths,' , Hundredths, 'Thousandths', Ten of Thousandths', Hun dreds of thousandths, & millionths. Note the use of '-ths' in the decimal digits. As an example 1234.567. '1' is thousands '2' is hundreds '3' is tens '4' is units '5' is tenths '6' is hundredths '7' is thousandths. Such a numbers as 1,000,000 is said as 'one million; Conversely such as number as 0.000001 is said as 'one millionth'.

What number has 2 thousands the same number of hundreds as thousands 1 more ten than hundreds and no ones?


What is 9 hundreds in a decimal number?

9 hundreds in a decimal number is represented as 900.

You are a four digit number your ones is twice your tens your hundreds is five less than your ones your thousands place is the sum of your tens and hundreds what number are you?

There is no four digit number where the ones is twice the tens, the hundreds is five less than the ones, and the thousands is the sum of the tens and hundreds. int ones, tens, hundreds, thousands; for (thousands=1; thousands<10; thousands++) { /**/ for (hundreds=0; hundreds<10; hundreds++) { /**/ /**/ for (tens=0; tens<10; tens++) { /**/ /**/ /**/ for (ones=0; ones<10; ones++) { /**/ /**/ /**/ /**/ if (ones != 2 * tens) break; /**/ /**/ /**/ /**/ if (hundreds != ones - 5) break; /**/ /**/ /**/ /**/ if (thousands != tens + hundreds) break; /**/ /**/ /**/ /**/ printf ("dd\n", thousands, hundreds, tens, ones); /**/ /**/ /**/ } /**/ /**/ } /**/ } }

What number has 1 thousand the same number of hundreds as thousands 8 more tens than thousands and 2 more ones than hundreds?

The number is 1193.

You are a 4 digit number your hundreds digit number is triple your thousands digit the number formed by your tens and ones digit is triple the number formed by your thousands and hundreds digits?


In a decimal number how do you find what digit in the hundreds place?

The third digit to the left of the decimal point is the hundreds place.

Which number is larger .06 or .10?

.06 is because the way of looking at a decimal is below: 0 . 0000 The first 0 before the decimal point ( . ) is where the whole number is given. The 0 after the decimal point is marked where the Tenths are. the one next to the tenths are the hundreds. then the thousands,then the Ten Thousands, and so on.. Reading Decimals are like reading the Price of items at the Grocery store..

What number has 9 ten thousands the same number of thousands as ten thousands 8 fewer hundreds than ten thousands 6 more tens than hundreds and 6 fewer ones than thousands?

Having: 9 ten-thousands → 90,000 the same number of thousands as ten thousands → 9 ten-thousands: 9 thousands → 9,000 8 fewer hundreds than ten-thousands → 9 ten-thousand: 9 - 8 = 1 hundreds → 100 6 more tens than hundreds → 1 hundreds: 1 + 6 = 7 tens → 70 6 fewer ones than thousands → 9 thousands: 9 - 6 = 3 ones → 3 → the number is 90,000 + 9,000 + 100 + 70 + 3 = 99,173.

What number has 6 thousands 5 fewer hundreds than thousands 2 more tens than hundreds and no ones?

6,130 has.