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Mass is measured in Kilograms (kgs) or Pounds

Weight is measured in Newtons

there is a difference between mass and weight because weight depends on gravity, mass does not. So you weight changes depending on which planet you are on.

Weight W

masss m

gravitational accelearation g

W = mg

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Q: Is mass and weight measured in cubic inches?
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What is the equivalent weight of sulphur?

Weight or mass is measured in kilograms. How much mass you have depends on the quantity and the density of the substance. Sulphur has a mass of about 2 gram per cubic centimetre

What dencity is measured in?

Density is measured in mass per volume (kg/cc) or, often in English, weight per volume (pounds/cubic-feet).

Is mass and weight mesured in kg?

No. Mass is measured in kilograms. Weight is measured in Newtons.

What is the mass of the moon in cubic miles?

A cubic mile is a unit of volume, not of mass. Mass is measured in kilograms, pounds, or tonnes.

What are weight and mass measured in?

Weight in Newtons Mass in kilograms

How many kilogram is equal to one cubic centimeter?

None. A kilogram is a measurement of weight and a centimetre is a measurement of distance * * * * * A kilogram is a measure of mass; weight is measured in Newtons.

Is mass measured in cubic centimeters?

No. Cubic centimeters are units of volume. Mass is measured in grams, and the standard mass is a kilogram of metal kept under the strictest conditions and tightest security in France.

What is a property that may be measured in units of grams or kilograms?

The property of matter that is measured in grams is mass. Mass is different from weight in that it accounts for the gravitational forces that increase the weight of an object.

How many tons are in 1056 cubic feet?

Good question but you can't figure it out unless you know the density of the substance. Tons is a measure of mass/weight & cubic feet is a measure of volume. Density is measured in mass per unit volume.

What do you mean by mass of the moon?

Mass of the Moon is measured in Kg. (7.3477×1022 kg) .. the same as weight. Volume(size) is mesured in cubic Kilometers. (the Moon > 2.1958×1010 km3.

How can mass and volume be measured?

by its weight

How many ounces in one cubic inch?

Ounces measure weight (mass). Cubic inches measure volume. You can't convert one to the other without knowing the density.