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A cubic mile is a unit of volume, not of mass. Mass is measured in kilograms, pounds, or tonnes.

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Q: What is the mass of the moon in cubic miles?
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What do you mean by mass of the moon?

Mass of the Moon is measured in Kg. (7.3477×1022 kg) .. the same as weight. Volume(size) is mesured in cubic Kilometers. (the Moon > 2.1958×1010 km3.

What is the density of a moon rock that has a volume of 150 cubic centimeters and a mass of 350 grams?

density = mass/volume = 350/150 = 2.33 grams/cubic centimeter

How is the size and mass of the moon different from the earth's size and mass?

Earth's diameter about 7925 miles. Moon's diameter about 2160 miles. The diameter of the Moon is 3,474 km and the diameter of the Earth is 12,742 km. This makes the Moon approximately 27% the size of the Earth. The mass of the Moon is 7.347 x 1022 kg and the mass of the Earth is 5.97x 1024 kg. The mass of the Moon is only 1.2% of the mass of the Earth.

How big around is the moon?

The moon: area - 14,645,750 square miles; mass - 73,477,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms

Does miles measure length area volume or mass?

Miles measure length, square miles measure area, and cubic miles measure volume.

What is volume of the moon in cubic miles?

It is approximately 5.268 x 10^9 cu mi

How many cubic meters is the moon?

"Pounds per cubic inch" is not an appropriate way to talk about density. On the average, the moon's density is 3,346 kilograms of mass per cubic meter, and that's the same as about 54.83 grams of mass per cubic inch. The weight of that mass depends on where you take it. If that 54.83 grams of mass were on the Earth, it would weigh about 0.121 pound, or 1.93 ounces. If it's on the surface of the moon, it weighs about 0.02 pound, or 0.32 ounce .

Convert cubic miles to cubic feet?

Cubic miles x 147,197,952,000 = cubic feet.

What is 0.7 cubic miles in cubic meters?

0.7 cubic miles = 2.91772728 × 109 cubic meters.

Convert 30000000 cubic km to cubic miles?

30,000,000 cubic kilometers are 7,197,383 cubic miles

What is 0.7 cubic miles in meters?

0.7 cubic miles = 2,917,727,277.81 cubic meters.

How many cubic feet are in 399 cubic miles?

399 cubic miles = 5.87319828 × 1013 cubic feet