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No, they are 28 positions away from each other on a number line.

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Q: Is negative fourteen and positive fourteen the same?
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What is a positive fourteen plus a negative ten equals?

positive 4

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Negative six is.

Does a negative multiplied by a negative equal a positive?

Yes. Same for positive times a positive (Obviously). If the signs are the same, it is positive. So, a positive times a negative is negative.

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-14 - (-3) The double negative cancels out and forms a positive. -14 + 3 = -11 ■

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no, negative eight is less than positive 14. negative eight is greater than negative 14

Rule for multiplying integers?

Positive x negative = negative (Negative x positive = negative) Positive x positive = positive Negative x negative = positive So if the signs are the same the answer is positive and if they are different it is negative.

Is a negative divided by a negative the same as a positive times a positive?

Well a negative times a negative equals a positive while as a positive times a positive equals a positive.

How is dividing integers similar to multiplying integers with the resulting sign?

The rules for the sign (positive or negative) of the result of a multiplication is the same as division. For multiplication: Positive * Positive --> Positive Positive * Negative --> Negative Negative * Positive --> Negative Negative * Negative --> Positive For division: Positive / Positive --> Positive Positive / Negative --> Negative Negative / Positive --> Negative Negative / Negative --> Positive

What signs are used when mulitiplying and dIviding integers would the signs be the same and the answer negative?

positive x positive = positive negative x negative = positive positive x negative = negative negative x positive = negative The same rules apply for dividing, since dividing is actually multiplying by the reciprical.

What is a negative squared by a positive?

Its a negative. same sign with multiplication is positive, opposite is negative.

How are multiplying integers and dividing integers alike?

a negative x a negative= a positive, a positive x a positive= a positive, a negative x a positive= a negative, and a positive x a negative= a negative. Same thing with division. a negative divided by a negative= a positive, a positive divided by a positive= a positive, a negative divided by a positive= a negative, and a positive divided by a negative is a negative. U see?

When dividing a positive number by a positive number the quotient is?

The answer is always positive. If the signs are the same (positive by positive, negative by negative), then the quotient is always positive. If the signs are different (positive by negative, negative by positive), then the quotient is always negative.