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positive x positive = positive

negative x negative = positive

positive x negative = negative

negative x positive = negative

The same rules apply for dividing, since dividing is actually multiplying by the reciprical.

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Q: What signs are used when mulitiplying and dIviding integers would the signs be the same and the answer negative?
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Name the rule for dividing integers with different signs?

The value of the quotient of two integers with different signs is the same as if the signs were the same. Because the numbers have different signs, the quotient is negative.

Will the qoutient determined by two negative integers be a positive or negative value?

Remember that when dividing two negative values, we obtain a positive result. The signs case for product is the same for this case.

What can you conclude about the signs of two integers whose product is positive and negative?

The product of two integers cannot be "positive and negative".

How do the rules for multiplying integers compare to the rules for dividing integers?

The product of two positive integers or two negative integers is positive.The product of a positive integer and a negative integer is negative.The quotient of two positive integers or two negative integers is positive.The quotient of a positive integer and a negative integer is negative.You multiply or divide integers just as you do whole numbers, except you must keep track of the signs. To multiply or divide signed integers, always multiply or divide the absolute values and use these rules to determine the sign of the answer.When you multiply two integers with the same signs, the result is always positive. Just multiply the absolute values and make the answer positive.Positive x positive = positiveNegative x negative = positiveWhen you multiply two integers with different signs, the result is always negative. Just multiply the absolute values and make the answer negative.Positive x negative = negativeNegative x positive = negativeWhen you divide two integers with the same sign, the result is always positive. Just divide the absolute values and make the answer positive.Positive ÷ positive = positiveNegative ÷ negative = positiveWhen you divide two integers with different signs, the result is always negative. Just divide the absolute values and make the answer negative.Positive ÷ negative = negativeNegative ÷ positive = negativeExamples1.2.3.4. LOVE YOU :)

What can you tell about two integers when their quotient is positive negative zero?

Their quotient is positive if the integers have the same sign;negative if the integers have different signs;zero if the dividend is zero (and the divisor is not).

Related questions

What is the rule for dividing integers?

When dividing numbers that are different the answer will be negative.

Name the rule for dividing integers with different signs?

The value of the quotient of two integers with different signs is the same as if the signs were the same. Because the numbers have different signs, the quotient is negative.

What is the rule for multiplying and dividing integers with unlike and like signs?

Like signs give a positive answer. Unlike signs give a negative answer.

What is the rule for multiplying or dividing two integers with different signs?

divide them or multiply then put a negative because to different signs make a negative to of the same signs make a positive

The quotient of two negative integers is?

It's a positive number. Here's the rule: In multiplication and division . . . -- If both numbers have the same sign, then the result of multiplying or dividing them is positive. -- If the two numbers have different signs, then the result of multiplying or dividing them is negative.

Will the qoutient determined by two negative integers be a positive or negative value?

Remember that when dividing two negative values, we obtain a positive result. The signs case for product is the same for this case.

How do you multiplies and divides integers?

Multiplying and dividing integers is real easy. All you have to do is do regular dividing and multiplying keeping in mind these simple rules: RULES: 1: When multiplying or dividing integers, when the numbers are a positive, positive they equal a positive. When the numbers are negative, negative they equal a positive. In other words, same signs equal positive. 2: This rule is very similar to the rule above. The only change is that when the signs are different, they equal a negative. ( negative, positive= negative, positive, negative= negative.) Please correct me if I'm wrong. Multiply integers- my notes from class positive x positive= positive positive x negative= negative negative x negative= positive Divide integers- again my notes from class positive divided by a positive= positive negative divided by a negative= positive negative divided by a positive= negative Dividing integers are simple if the number has a different sign than the other it is always negative but if they have the same sign its always positive ex. -20/5=-4 ex. -20/-4=-5

What are the rules in adding subtracting multiplying and dividing integers?

Adding integers, if they have the same sign, add their absolute values and keep the same sign. Subtracting, change the sign of the 2nd number and the add using rules of addition. Multiplying and dividing, Divide the absolute values, if the signs are the same the answer is positive, if the signs are different the answer is negative.

What can you conclude about the signs of two integers whose product is positive and negative?

The product of two integers cannot be "positive and negative".

What is the sign of the product of two integers with different signs?

for integers with tow different signs, it will always be negative in multiplying and division. for adding and subtracting, the sign is for the bigger number.

How do the rules for multiplying integers compare to the rules for dividing integers?

The product of two positive integers or two negative integers is positive.The product of a positive integer and a negative integer is negative.The quotient of two positive integers or two negative integers is positive.The quotient of a positive integer and a negative integer is negative.You multiply or divide integers just as you do whole numbers, except you must keep track of the signs. To multiply or divide signed integers, always multiply or divide the absolute values and use these rules to determine the sign of the answer.When you multiply two integers with the same signs, the result is always positive. Just multiply the absolute values and make the answer positive.Positive x positive = positiveNegative x negative = positiveWhen you multiply two integers with different signs, the result is always negative. Just multiply the absolute values and make the answer negative.Positive x negative = negativeNegative x positive = negativeWhen you divide two integers with the same sign, the result is always positive. Just divide the absolute values and make the answer positive.Positive ÷ positive = positiveNegative ÷ negative = positiveWhen you divide two integers with different signs, the result is always negative. Just divide the absolute values and make the answer negative.Positive ÷ negative = negativeNegative ÷ positive = negativeExamples1.2.3.4. LOVE YOU :)

What can you tell about two integers when their quotient is positive negative zero?

Their quotient is positive if the integers have the same sign;negative if the integers have different signs;zero if the dividend is zero (and the divisor is not).