

Best Answer

Yes. It's the ratio of -4 to 100, of 4 to -100, of -1 to 25, of 2 to -50, etc.

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Q: Is negative zero point zero four a rational number?
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Is negative four elevenths a rational number?

Yes, it is.

Is negative four a rational number?

Yes - any integers, including negative integers, are rational numbers.

Is negative one over four rational irrational or a real number?

It is rational and, therefore, real.

What is an example of a rational number between the negative square root of four and the square root of four?

-1,0,or 1 the negative square root of four is negative two and the square root of four is two

Is one divided by negative four a rational number?

Sure, you are dividing an integer by another integer, so the result is rational by definition.

Is four a rational number?

Yes, four is a rational number.

Is negative four rational?


Is -0.96 a rational number?

Yes - any number that can be expressed as a fraction (or ratio) is a rational number, even if that number is negative. Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, -0.96 is equal to -24/25 or negative twenty-four twenty-fifths.

Why is negative four a rational number?

-4 is a rational number because it can be expressed as an improper fraction in the form of -4/1

Is four fifths a rational number?

It is a rational number.

Is the square root of four a real number or a rational number or an irrational number or integers or a whole number?

The square root of four is a real number because it is a non-negative number that can be expressed on the number line. It is also a rational number because it can be expressed as the fraction 2/1. In fact, it is both a real number and a rational number, as all rational numbers are also real numbers.

Is four an irrational number?

No it is rational ( all integers are rational)