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-1,0,or 1 the negative square root of four is negative two and the square root of four is two

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Q: What is an example of a rational number between the negative square root of four and the square root of four?
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Can negatives be rational?

Yes, negative numbers can most certainly be rational. A rational number is simply a number which can be expressed as a fraction. An example of a negative rational number is: -1/2

What is an example of a negative rational number?


What is a negative rational number?

Minus two.Some rational numbers are positive, some are negative. -9 is a negative rational number.

What are rational numbers but not negative numbers between negative 6 and positive 6?

They are the infinite number of rational numbers between 0 and +6

What is an example of a number that is classified as an integer and a rational number but not a whole number?

Any negative integer.

What happens to a rational number when it is multiplied by an integer between negative one and zero?

All numbers between negative one and zero are negative. When you multiply a number by a negative it becomes negative. Also, all numbers between negative one and zero are decimals. When you multiply a number by a decimal it becomes smaller. Thus, when you multiply a rational number by a number between negative one and zero, it becomes smaller and negative.

What type of number is negative 3.8?

It is a negative number. It is also a rational number; also, it's a real number.

What is the negative of a negative rational number?

It is the positive value of that rational number.

Is negative 3 a rational number or irrational number?

Negative three is a rational number.

Is -5 a non-negative rational number?

No, -5 is a negative, rational number.

What is -3.625?

It is a negative rational number which lies between -4 and -3.

Can rational numbers be negative?

Any rational positive number is still rational when you make the same number negative.