

Is pi universal

Updated: 10/17/2024
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13y ago

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its a scientific/mathamatical code geniousis use that keeps going nonstop.


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Q: Is pi universal
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Related questions

Who made pi in math?

Nobody made pi. Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter and that is universal. Pi would have been pi even if there were never any humans.

What is the value of pi in other cultures?

Pi is a universal math term that is the same all over the world.

How do you find out pi with the circumference and diameter?

pi is the circumference divided by the diameter. it is a set universal constant and will never change = 3.1415...

Which Swiss Mathmematician invented pi?

pi is a universal constant and was not invented by anybody. It was known to the ancient Babylonians long before the Swiss were literate.

What is the heck is pi and who invented it?

pi is a transcendental number which represents the constant ratio between the circumference of a circle and its diameter. It is a universal constant and nobody invented it.

How is the value of pi obtained?

Pi is a constant ratio of circumference to diameter and is universal for every circle like a property. It was obtained by ancient Greeks and Indians.

What role does pi play in mathematics?

it gives the ratio of perimeter to that of diameter of a circle which is universal constant.

Biography of the man who invented pi?

pi is a universal constant which existed long before the first human existed. It existed even before the solar system came into being so there is no person who invented it and so no biography.

What is the universal law of pi?

I'm only in 9th grade so I'm not for sure. The law of pi is that if a circle of a diameter of 1 was to turn 1 full circle starting from the bottom and ending at the bottom, it would land at 3.14159265...

Is the volume formula universal for all the figures?

No, the volume formula is not universal for all figures. Different shapes and objects have different formulas to calculate their volume based on their unique dimensions and properties. Each shape requires its own specific formula to accurately determine its volume.

What is the pi root of pi?

(pi)(1/pi)=1.4396 ...

What is pi times pi divided by pi plus pi minus pi times pi?

the same as pi squared, which is 9.86960440109