

Is the fraction 113 over 115 an irrational number?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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No, 113/115 is a rational number.

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Q: Is the fraction 113 over 115 an irrational number?
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Pi is an irrational number. A rational number is one that can be expressed as a fraction (or ratio), e.g. 1/3. There are fractions that are near Pi, for example: 22/7 = 3.142857 (PI = 3.14159265...) A closer fraction is: 355/113 = 3.14159292 However whatever fraction you have, you will never get exactly PI. Hence it is irrational See the links for proofs that pi is irrational.

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22/7 is the older fraction approximation. 355/113 is a newer fraction. Notice it uses easy to remember numbers 113355. Neither one is exact because Pi is an irrational number. That means it can not be expressed as a fraction or a repeating decimal.

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Fractional representations of irrational numbers won't be accurate. Many people have used 355/113 as a close approximation.

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1.13 as an improper fraction is 113/100. As a mixed number it is 1 13/100.

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An improper fraction is a fraction. It can't become a proper fraction.

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