Fractional representations of Irrational Numbers won't be accurate. Many people have used 355/113 as a close approximation.
Since pi is an irrational number it is impossible to represent the exact quantity as a decimal; you can only give and approximate value. However, if you write a fraction that includes the symbol for pi, you are giving an exact quantity.
Since pi is irrational, there is (by definition) no way to express it as an exact fraction. Even so, many people write it as 22/7, which is a fairly accurate representation. But it is not exact!
The equivalency of Pi in a fraction is 22/7.
pi is an irrational number and so there is no equivalent fraction.
22/7 is the globally accepted fraction for the decimal number Pi.
Pi written as an improper fraction is 22/722 over 7
Pi is an irrational number, meaning that is can not be written as a fraction with integers. If you are talking about the number 3.14, you can write it as 157/50, but this is not equal to pi. Pi is an infinite series of non-repeating decimals: Pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288…
Since pi is an irrational number it is impossible to represent the exact quantity as a decimal; you can only give and approximate value. However, if you write a fraction that includes the symbol for pi, you are giving an exact quantity.
Since pi is irrational, there is (by definition) no way to express it as an exact fraction. Even so, many people write it as 22/7, which is a fairly accurate representation. But it is not exact!
The equivalency of Pi in a fraction is 22/7.
the fraction 22/7 is often used as an approximation for the value of pi. it is off from the actual value by about 0.04 percent (1 in 2500). This would be like measuring a football field and being off by about 1.5 inches on your measurement. The fraction 355/113 is amazingly close, better than 1 part in 10 million
pi is an irrational number and so there is no equivalent fraction.
The equivalent fraction for Pi is 22/7 or 31/7
22/7 is the globally accepted fraction for the decimal number Pi.
NO!!!!! pi is an irrational number, which means it cannot form a ratio/fraction. An approximation of 'pi' is the improper fraction '22/7'.
If you're talking about real numbers, then it is an irrational number. Any number that cannot be written as a fraction is irrational. You cannot write pi as a fraction (22/7 is just an estimate). So any thing multiplied with pi cannot be rational either.
One can define an infinite number of fractions to successively approximate pi, and get closer and closer to pi's value. There is no closest fraction to pi. No matter how close the fraction is to pi you can always find one that is closer.