Yes. Since 7 is a prime number, you have found all the prime numbers, with 7 being the final prime factor.
The last prime number before 50 is 47.
The is no last prime number - unless you are counting down, in which case, it is 2.
The last prime number before 100 is 97
There is no such thing as a largest prime number - there can't be. The largest KNOWN prime number was found by the GIMPS project.
There is no last prime number: they go on for ever. The first prime larger than 100 is 101.
3 is found between 2 and 4.
Last prime of the 20th Century was 1999. Last prime of the 21st Century will be 2099.
A balanced prime number is a prime number that is equal distance from the last prime before it and the next prime after it. Example: 53 is a balanced prime. The last prime number before it was 47 and the next prime after it is 59. (53 - 47) and (59 - 53) both equal 6, so 53 is a balanced prime.
There is no formula that will specifically give you a prime number and no non-prime number. Therefore, several large numbers are tested to see if they are primes, until a prime number is found.
997 is the last 3 digit prime number
The last prime before 400 is 397.The prime factorization of 400 is 2x2x2x2x5x5.