

Is the product of 2 positive integers always positive?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Is the product of 2 positive integers always positive?
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The product of 2 (or more) positives is positive. The product of 2 negatives is positive. So product of 6 negatives = 3*(product of two negatives) = product of 3 positives = positive. So overall sign is positive.

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Yes, the product of 2 integers are always an integers. ex. -2*3=-6

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The sign of the product of four integers depends on the signs of the individual integers. There are 4 cases: 1) When all 4 integers share the same sign and all are non-zero (either all are positive or all are negative), the product is positive. 2) When 3 of the 4 integers share the same sign and all are non-zero (3 are positive and 1 is negative; or 3 are negative and 1 is positive), the product is negative. 3) When 2 of the integers are positive non-zero and the other 2 of the integers are negative non-zero, the product is positive. 4) If even one of the integers is zero, the product is zero (no sign - it is neither positive nor negative).

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yes the answer is always a positive

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The first three positive integers, 1, 2, and 3, satisfy this condition.

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Because 199 is an odd number the product willl be a negative sign For example: -2*-2 = 4 but -2*-2*-2 = -8

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Negative. -2 + -3 = -5 You might be confused with multiplication, where the product is positive

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