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Q: Is the product of an odd integer and an even integer even?
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How do you use inductive reasoning to prove the product of an odd integer and an even integer will always be even?

The product of an odd and even number will always have 2 as a factor. Therefore, it will always be even.

Do Prove that the product of an integer and arbitrary integer is even?

The statement is not true. Disprove by counter-example: 3 is an integer and 5 is an integer, their product is 15 which is odd.

What are the three consecutive odd integers with sum of -30?

It cannot be done. The basic rules of math. odd integer plus odd integer = even integer. odd integer plus even integer = odd integer. Always. odd integer plus odd integer plus odd integer = odd integer. Always.

Is the product of two odd integers odd?

Yes the product of two odd integers is odd. The proof lies in recognizing that 2 times an integer is an even integer. Like, given two arbitrary integers a and b, 2a+1 and 2b+1 are odd. And the product of (2a+1)(2b+1) can be represented as 2c+1, where c might be even or odd - it doesn't matter. c = 2ab+a+b, in fact (check it out.) However, 2c+1 is clearly an odd integer.

Is -2 even integer or odd integer?

even integer.

Are decimals odd or even?

Only integers are even or odd. We do not call fractions, irrational numbers, imaginary numbers, and so on either even or odd. If a decimal is equal to an integer (for example 24.0 is equal to 24), then it is even if the integer is even or odd if the integer is odd. If a decimal is not equal to an integer (for example 24.1 is not an integer), then it is neither even nor odd.

Why a given integer is ever or odd?

An integer is even or odd can be decided by checking its divisibility by 2 if it is divided by 2 it is even and if not then it is odd

Can decimal number can be even or odd?

Only integers are even or odd. If a decimal is equal to an integer (for example 24.0 is equal to 24), then it can be even or odd. If a decimal is not equal to an integer (for example, 24.1 is not an integer), then it is neither even nor odd.

Even can be or can even be?

Only integers are even or odd. If a decimal is equal to an integer (for example 24.0 is equal to 24), then it can be even or odd. If a decimal is not equal to an integer (for example, 24.1 is not an integer), then it is neither even nor odd.

The product of two consecutive integers is 121 Find the numbers?

As there are two consecutive integers then one must be an even number and the other an odd number. If the numbers are y and y + 1 then if y is even, y + 1 is odd and if y is odd then y + 1 is even.The product of an even integer and an odd integer is always even.The question therefore has no answer.121 = 112 but this is not what the question has asked.

The sum of an even integer and an odd integer is always odd?

An even number can be divided by 2 evenly. An odd number will have a remainder of 1 when divided by 2. Even plus odd is odd.

Lilly and anita worked on their math homework together lilly wrote that 5 times 6 equals odd number anita told lilly that this was wrong she reminded lilly about the properties of even and odd numbers?

The product of an even integer with any other integer is an even integer: (2a)*b =2ab = 2(ab) Any integer evenly divisible by 2 is even.