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8mo ago

The product of two odd numbers is always odd.

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Q: Is the product of two odd numbers odd or even?
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What are two odd numbers that make the product of an even number?

No such numbers exist; the product of two odd numbers is always odd.

Which pair of numbers has an odd product and an even sum?

Any two odd numbers will have an odd product and an even sum.

Can product of 2 odd no be even?

The product of two odd numbers is never even.

Is the product of two odd numbers even?


What two even numbers total a odd product?

None. The sum or product of any two even numbers must be even.

Is the roduct of two odd numbers even or odd?

I guess you mean "product" - the product of two odd numbers is odd. (For example, 3x3=9, 5x3=15, etc.

Is the product for any two prime numbers always odd?

Without knowing what the product is, it will be difficult to help. Presumably, you can tell the difference between even and odd numbers. If you are trying to predict, the product of two evens is even, the product of two odds is odd and the product of an even and an odd is even.

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Is the product of two odd numbers always even?


What is the product of two odd numbers?

The product of two odd numbers is always an odd number.

What two consecutive number have a product of 324?

No two consecutive numbers have a product that is an even number. Any two consecutive numbers include one odd number and one even number. The product of one odd number and one even number is always an odd number.

When multiplying an odd number by an odd number why is the result odd?

The product of multiplication results in a number that has all of the factors of the two numbers being multiplied. All even numbers have the prime factor 2. Since no odd number has the factor 2, no product of those numbers can have it. So: - Odd numbers times odd numbers produce odd numbers. - Odd numbers times even numbers produce even numbers. - Even numbers times even numbers produce even numbers.