In order to turn a decimal into a palindrome you reverse it and add it to the original number... 6.5 +5.6 ------- 12.1 Now you have a decimal palindrome.
A decimal becase a decimal can be any fraction
No, 6.5 is not a palindromic decimal.
To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the denominator into the numerator.
They cannot be genuine fractions although they can be expressed as fractions. For example, 27 = 27/1 or even 54/2. Also, any number can be expressed as a decimal. 27 is an integer AND a decimal.
Just as 12321 is a palindrome, .12321 is, also. 123.321 is also palindromic.
All rational fractions.
Nothing. Any decimal can be written as an equivalent fraction. So anything that can be done with a decimal can be done with the equivalent fraction.
any fraction whose decimal value falls between .0625 and .4. There is an infinite amount of such fractions.
Any number that is is a palindrome will always be a palindrome.
no it absolutely does not read the same forward as it does backwards!!!!